Lavender Hill, Muizenberg Fire Disaster
Lavender Hill, Muizenberg | Wednesday, 2 January 2019Communication was received from a local Church leader in the Overcome Community on 1st Jan 2019 alerting the team to the fire that had ravaged the community on New Year’s Eve 2018. The RESPOND coalition team leader, Lester Sedras, activated the necessary team to be on standby for the response. Lester made contact with the City Disaster Management Centre who advised him and his team to stay clear until further notice while they complete the impact assessment. On 2nd Jan 2019, Lester received a request from the City of Cape Town Disaster Management Centre to assist 29 families in the community. The 29 Hope Kits were delivered on Wednesday morning and handed over by the volunteer team to the head of each household with the assistance of the local leaders who facilitated the process. Prayers were done and blessings commanded on each individual to whom meals were also served as they busied themselves with the re-building process.

Disaster Management Assessment
The initial assessment was that approximately 80 informal dwellings were burnt. An accurate figure of individuals affected could not be established as several had left the area to be with other relatives as far afield as the Eastern Cape. Residents had lost all their possessions and were in desperate need of the helping hand. Member churches of the RESPOND coalition remain active participants in assisting the families with several items of need.
How many people benefited from the aid?
29 Families were supported through prayer, a meal and the issuance of a Hope Kit.
Following this effort, the 2nd disaster response since October 2018, residents have grown to understand that the church is indeed actively meeting several of the needs of the affected communities. The opportunity has granted several of the pastors greater credibility as their missional voice is more resounding amidst the crises. The active work of soul saving continues unabated due to these moments of outreach which have now enabled further activities of one-on-one engagement by the local church pastors. We thank GOD Almighty!