Muizenburg Fire Disaster

Muizneburg, Western Cape | Wednesday, 12 December 2018

On the eve of 12th December 2018, a fire devastated the Military Heights informal settlement. Several dwellings were destroyed. News of the extent of the blaze was not widely communicated and residents took to eventually requesting assistance from CityHope Disaster Relief via Social Media platforms.


Disaster Management Assessment

Upon becoming aware of the incident via Social Media, Catherine Smith contacted CityHope’s Western Cape partner, The Respond Coalition. Lester Sedras was sent to evaluate the incident and to make contact with the individual who had reached out to CityHope. Upon arrival on site the following was discovered:

1. Three newly-built structures had been re-erected following the disaster.

2. The one residence did not have a window inserted due to lack of equipment

3. Three structures share one ablution facility

4. Amongst the 3 Dwellings, there are 16 children who require assistance with clothing in particular.

How we helped

Lester initiated a small team of dedicated volunteers to walk alongside the victims. Within hours they had received a CityHope Hope Kit and clothing assistance for their children and some toys.

Days later a team assisted with putting in a window for proper ventilation. Further assistance was also given from within The Respond Coalition in the form of clothing packs, food and bedding specifically packed for all three dwellings. Guidance was also given to assist the families with their lost Identity Documents.

How many people benefited from the aid?

Household 1: 2 Adults and 3 children

Household 2: 2 Adults and 10 children

Household 3: 1 adult and 3 children


During the work by the volunteers, one of the beneficiaries communicates that she is relieved that the Church is visibly doing the work of God. Her faith in God is strengthened by seeing God’s hand in action.

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