The Challenge
Malawi Drought Response | From experiencing floods a year ago, to now facing a severe drought, CityHope is responding once again in partnership with Future Life and City Logistics in committing to send food aid to Malawi.
The truck that will be taking the Futurelife up to Malawi has a capacity of 23 tonnes, and we would really love to fill this truck to capacity – to do so we need to raise funding for an additional 17 tonnes of Futurelife. You or your business can get involved by donating as little as R30 for 1 kilogram of Futurelife. The drought has crippled what is already an impoverished country, with basic maize prices double that of the international prices, due to demand.
CityHope Disaster Relief Malawi 2016
Donovan (left), Founder of CityHope Disaster Relief and Ockie (Right) at the distribution point
CityHope Disaster Relief Malawi 2016
Justin (Left), Angela (Center) & Donovan (Right) busy unpacking a 24 ft container containing the Future Life
CityHope Disaster Relief Malawi 2016
Donovan (Left), Sam (Center) and Justin (Right) packing the new dual packs into 10 kg boxes of Futurelife at Day 02 od Distribution
CityHope Disaster Relief Malawi 2016
CityHope Disaster Relief Malawi Response Team – From Left to Right…Ben, Sam, Donovan, Ockie, Justin & Angela
CityHope Disaster Relief Malawi 2016
Kids at one of the Distribution points on Day 3 – Machinga, Malawi
CityHope Disaster Relief Malawi 2016
Our team hand-delivered a box of Futurelife to the family in this home